Family Portrait Photographer
Also, check out my new website Warwickshire Photographer
Specialising in Natural Looking Outdoor Family Photos
Please allow 1 hour for this session during which time we will take a mixture of fun & creative shots of you & your family.
Feel free to bring pets, children’s favorite toys, or hobby items.
Family Portraits are usually taken on location at home or favorite place. Studio portraits are available but may incur an extra cost for room hire.
I now offer a selection of GIFT VOUCHERS which can be purchased and used at a later date. “Valid for 12 months from date of purchase”
Family Portrait Photographer
Here are some of my popular family portrait photography packages.
These are meant as a guide so if you cannot see what you are looking for then please feel free to give me a call.
Family Portrait
1 Hour + Prints- 1 Hour Photo Session
- 1 Set of 6x4" Prints
- Secure Online Gallery For Sharing, Print Orders
Family Portrait
1 Hour + Canvas Print- 1 Hour Photo Session
- 1 Set of 6x4" Prints
- Secure Online Gallery For Sharing, Print Orders
- 1 Canvas Print 60x30 cm
Family Portraiy
1 Hour + Digital Files- 1 Hour Photo Session
- 1 Set of 6x4" Prints
- Secure Online Gallery For Sharing, Print Orders
- Hi-Res Digital Files
Maternaty Photo Shoot

Baby and Toddler Portrait Photography
“From 6 months up”

Outdoor Family Portrait Photography

Questions & Answers
Question: – How long will it take?
Answer: – Most sessions take around 1 hour but we always leave a little extra time just in case we run over.
Question: – What should I wear?
Answer: – Clothing can be a difficult thing when it comes to your portraits. We recommend that you wear something that is comfortable and shows off your personality.
Question: – Can I buy a session as a gift?
Answer: – Yes GIFT VOUCHERS can be purchased and used at a later date.
Question: – How long until I get my images?
Answer: – Usually around 5 working days.
Question: – When can we see the images?
Answer: – All images will be ready for a private viewing back at the studio within 5 working days.
Question: – How do we place an order for pictures?
Answer: – Placing picture orders can be done through your online gallery. Feel free to contact the studio to view print prices before your session.
Question: – When do I pay?
Answer: – Photoshoots must be paid for in advance.
Question: – I can’t see what I want?
Answer: – Give me a call with your requirements let me see what I can do.
Question: – Do you offer a printing & framing service?
Answer: – Yes we have a selection of quality frames on display in my gallery from which you can choose the style & size required.
Question: – Can I get a CD with all the images?
Answer: – A USB stick with all the edited digital images can be purchased for just £150 – great value
Question: – Do you have a drop-in session?
Answer: – Unfortunately not please call first to book a photography session.
Question: – Can we have our session at a different location other than the studio?
Answer: – Absolutely, however, there may be an additional fee for on-location shooting.
Family Portrait Photographer
Call today to discuss your photographic requirements 01789 550641 or use the Contact Me form.
Family Portrait Photographer based in Stratford upon Avon covering Warwickshire and the Cotswolds.